I believe in dreaming. I believe in dreaming BIG.
Recently, I was sent this "Note from the Universe." It's a list of 10 signs that a dream is about to come true...
10. You regularly visualize the end result, the after-party, or beyond.
9. Every day you "show up," doing something about it.
8. You're not attached to how it will come true.
7. It really matters to you; you really care.
6. You know who the first 3 people are that you'll call with the news.
5. You're smiling and winking way more than normal.
4. Sometimes you speak and behave as if it already has.
3. It probably doesn't depend upon specific people.
2. You already know what your next goal is.
1. You keep whispering, "Sweet! Thank you! Yes!" with clutched fist.
Good news for me - all signs indicate that my dream is coming true! How about You?
For more Notes From the Universe.