Come see us at the following events!

*If you are interested in hosting a Workshop or PopUp shop, please contact us 


Saturday 11th, 11am-1pm: Intro to Mala Making Workshop, Moonflower's, Beaverton. Event Details, here. RSVP by emailing 

Wednesday 15th, 11am-4pm: Reiki & Chakra Balancing, Daylyn, Newmarket   RSVP appointment, here

Friday 24th, 7-9pm: Intro to Mala Making Workshop, Breathe Yoga, Bradford. RSVP, here

Wednesday 29th, 11am-4pm: Reiki & Chakra Balancing, Daylyn, Newmarket   RSVP appointment, here



Saturday 8th, 10am-4pm: Psychic Fair, Moonflower's, Beaverton 

Monday 10th, 9:30am-3pm: Women's Health Summit, Town Square, Aurora. Event Details and RSVP here . Use Promo Code: THRIVE to get $25 off.