

  • I believe in dreaming. I believe in dreaming BIG. Recently, I was sent this "Note from the Universe." It's a list of 10 signs that a dream is about to come true... 10. You regularly visualize the end result, the after-party, or beyond. 9. Every day you "show up," doing something about it. 8. You... View Post
  •   I have been told that, when I was a child, I used to call my Grandparents and sing the chorus of the Stevie Wonder classic, "I Just Called To Say I Love You." Singing is definitely one way to let someone know you love them. But, if singing isn't your 'thing', there are other ways to let family... View Post
  • When I Grow Up...

    For many years I thought the corporate world was "it". I thought, when I grow up, I want to climb that corporate ladder. I was going to... ... achieve a sense of status from the title on my business card. ... feel important by wheeling and dealing with the bigwigs. ... indulge in luxury by stayi... View Post